How To Make Kava

How To Make Kava

May 14, 2024

estimated read time - 19 min

Whether you're a kava enthusiast looking to perfect your brew or someone curious about this ancient elixir, this blog is your go-to resource. From selecting top-quality kava root to mastering traditional and modern preparation methods, we'll navigate the world of kava together. Get ready to uncover the secrets behind creating the perfect kava drink while ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. Welcome to the fascinating realm of kava!


Tools and Ingredients to Make Kava

To create a satisfying kava brew, gather these essentials:

  • Quality kava root powder, sourced from reputable vendors
  • A fine mesh strainer bag or cloth aids for filtering the drink (we recommend using 75 micron nut bag)
  • Lukewarm water (not boiling) to extract kavalactones effectively
  • A “tanoa” or bowl for mixing and kneading the kava

Optional additions like coconut milk or almond milk can enhance flavor and aid absorption. And a measuring cup is helpful for accurate portions.

How to Select Quality Kava

Kava Roots

A Traditional Fijian Ceremony

Choosing high-quality kava involves several key factors:

  • Look for "noble" kava varieties, renowned for their balanced and potent effects.
  • Opt for reputable vendors or suppliers known for their commitment to quality and sourcing practices. They should be fully transparent with who they are.
  • Prioritize kava from regions like Fiji, Vanuatu, or Tonga, known for cultivating superior kava strains.
  • Check for kavalactone chemotypes and cross reference this with standards.
  • Assess the kava's appearance—fine grind, pale beige color, and aroma for quality
  • Lastly, consider user reviews and recommendations to make an informed choice when purchasing kava. Not all kava's are the same and neither are you. Pick one for what you are looking to experience

What is a Tanoa

Tanoa or Kava Bowl

Tanoa or Kava Bowl

The 'Tanoa' represents a traditional wooden bowl from the Pacific Islands, integral to ceremonies involving the preparation and serving of kava. It is usually crafted in various sizes and designs, and these bowls often feature a triangular lug (mata) with perforations for securing a string made of coconut husk fiber (magimagi). Typically, a 'Tanoa' or kava bowl contains a hollowed basin where kava roots are pounded or ground into a fine powder.

What is a Kava Strainer

Straining Kava

Straining Kava

Kava strainers typically resembles a cloth or a straining bag made from a porous material like muslin, nylon, or similar fabric. It is designed to allow liquid to pass through while retaining the coarse particles of the kava root. These strainers often come in the form of a bag with a wide opening at the top for pouring the kava mixture in and a narrower end or drawstring closure to secure the contents while squeezing or pressing the liquid out.

Some may use fine-meshed cloths or even specially designed strainer bags with finer weaves to ensure a smoother extraction of the kava drink. The exact appearance can vary, but the purpose is to strain the kava liquid from the solid root material.  

How to Make Kava Drink

Scooping Kava from a Tanoa

Scooping Kava from a Tanoa

There are various methods for preparing kava, ranging from traditional practices to more contemporary approaches.

How to Make Traditional Kava Drink

To prepare a traditional kava drink, you'll need:

  • Kava root powder (traditional grind)

  • Room temperature water

  • Straining bag or cloth (we recommend using 75 micron nut bag)

Follow these steps:

  1. Measure out 2-3 tablespoons of kava powder and place it into the kava strainer.

  2. Add roughly 16 ounces of room temperature water into the bag, then seal it shut.

  3. Massage and knead the bag in the water for a few minutes to release the kava's active compounds. Aim for 5-10 minutes of soaking for thorough extraction.

  4. Firmly squeeze and press the strainer bag to extract as much liquid as possible into a bowl—this liquid is your kava drink.

  5. Pour the strained kava extract into cups or coconut shells.

  6. For the best experience, chill the kava by refrigerating it for a couple of hours or add ice cubes before serving.

How to Make Instant Kava Drink

Preparing instant kava is a quicker and more straightforward approach than traditional methods. You'll only need instant kava powder and warm water. Just add 1-2 scoops/tsp of instant kava powder into 4-8oz of water and stir until it dissolves completely. You may drink it as is or for added flavor, consider mixing it in your favorite non-alcoholic drinks or juices. Don't forget to chill you kava or add ice for best experience.

How to Make Kava Powder

Traditionally, the kava roots are cut into smaller pieces and sun-dried for several days until they reach an optimal moisture level. In modern practices, some use drying machines to expedite this step. Once the roots are fully dried, they are ground into a fine powder using various methods. Traditional methods involve using a mortar and pestle, while modern processes may involve electric grinders or milling machines.

After grinding, the powder might be sifted or strained to achieve a finer consistency, removing any larger particles or fibers. Make sure to pack and store the resulting kava powder in an airtight container to maintain its freshness and potency.

How to Make Kava Tea With Medium Grind Kava

Measure 2 tablespoons of medium grind kava powder into a cup. Add hot water at approximately 180 degrees F (not boiling). Give it a good stir and let it steep for 10-15 minutes. Afterward, strain the mixture using a fine mesh or cloth to eliminate any particles. To soften the taste, add a touch of honey to your liking.

How to Make Kava Tea With Instant Kava

Place 1-2 scoops of dehydrated kava juice into your cup. Pour in hot water, still at around 180 degrees F (not boiling), and stir the mixture. Enhance the taste by adding a few drizzles of honey to mellow the flavor. For a more nuanced tea experience, you may use ginger tea bags as a supplement. While we don't generally recommend consuming kava hot, we understand that some individuals find solace in warm beverages, so feel free to enjoy it as you prefer!

How to Make Kava Without a Strainer

In making kava traditionally without a strainer, you can use alternatives like fine-mesh cloth or a clean piece of fabric (like a muslin cloth or a clean t-shirt). If you have cheesecloth or a coffee filter, you can create a makeshift strainer by placing the kava powder inside and tying it securely. These methods require kneading or pressing to extract the liquid, though they may not be as effective as a dedicated kava strainer. Finer straining materials enhance extraction. You can also use various methods we recommend in this post, "how to make kava without a strainer".

Perfecting Kava Brew

Instant Kava

Instant Kava Drink

How to Make Kava Stronger

To enhance the potency of your kava, opt for higher-quality strains like noble kavas. Use warm—not hot—water to effectively extract kavalactones. Also, incorporating fats such as coconut milk or soy lecithin can notably elevate the strength of your kava drink. Additionally, practicing patience by allowing for longer steeping times (around 10-20 minutes) can significantly enhance the potency of your brew. Here's a quick guide on how to make a strong kava.

How to Make Kava Taste Better

Kava's robust and earthy taste might not suit everyone. Adding natural additives like honey, coconut milk, or fruit juice can soften its earthiness and make it more enjoyable. You can also play around with various sweeteners or spices like cinnamon or ginger to enrich its flavor. And for a flavorful twist, blend kava into teas or smoothies to mellow its taste while relishing its calming effects.

How to Make Kava Cocktail

Creating kava cocktails involve blending kava with complementary ingredients for a unique beverage. You may swap out the alcohol in your beloved cocktails with kava, but be sure not to mix kava with alcohol to prioritize liver health. Here are some kava cocktail recipes you might enjoy.

Can You Boil Kava

Boiling kava can degrade its active compounds, like kavalactones, reducing its effectiveness. High temperature may alter kava's chemical composition, potentially diminishing its relaxing benefits. So, it is best to steer clear of boiling to preserve kava's potency and ensure its intended effects.

Kava Safety and Consumption

Drinking Tea from Wooden Bowl

Drinking Tea from Wooden Bowl

While kava is generally safe, observing the following can ensure a safer, more pleasant experience:

  • Source high-quality kava from reputable vendors, prioritizing noble varieties and verified purity.

  • Stick to the suggested dosage, usually around 250mg of kavalactone content per day, in line with the World Health Organization's established limit.

  • Refrain from combining kava with alcohol or medications without consulting a healthcare professional.

  • Take breaks between sessions and avoid excessive consumption.

  • Follow traditional preparation methods, steering clear of boiling as it may affect potency.

  • Consume kava in a relaxed environment and avoid engaging in activities requiring full attention afterward.

Health Considerations and Precautions

Kava may present potential benefits, yet certain health considerations and precautions are vital.

  • Long-term, excessive consumption may lead to issues like liver toxicity in some individuals; moderation is crucial.

  • Avoid kava if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or experiencing liver issues.

  • Short-term potential side effects may include drowsiness, headaches, and digestive discomfort.

  • Always opt for quality kava from reputable sources to reduce risks.

  • Consult a healthcare professional before using kava, especially when you’re taking any medications or have existing health conditions.

Being mindful of these considerations ensures safer and more responsible kava consumption.


How to get kava out of your system?

To expedite the removal of kava from your system, stay hydrated to aid in flushing it out. Consuming water helps dilute and eliminate substances, assisting your body in processing kava faster. Engage in physical activities or exercise, as sweating can also assist in toxin elimination. Additionally, allowing time for your body to naturally metabolize kava is crucial; this process typically takes a few hours to a day. Remember, individual factors like metabolism and dosage influence elimination times.


To sum it up, whipping up a great kava drink means having the right stuff: top-notch kava root powder, a trusty strainer bag, lukewarm water, and a classic "tanoa" or bowl. Picking the best kava means going for quality from trusted sellers, looking out for noble varieties, and those lab-tested goodies. Knowing your kava tools like the strainer and tanoa bowl really helps in making that perfect brew. You've got options in how to make kava, whether it's old-school or instant style.

Lastly, staying safe with kava means moderation, steering clear of certain combos, and sticking to the rules. While kava brings some potential perks, being mindful of health factors, potential side effects, and using it responsibly is key!

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