Alcohol Alternative

Alcohol Alternative

February 06, 2024

estimated read time - 14 min

Throughout history, there have always been non-alcoholic drinks, like herbal teas or fruit juices, but the recent surge in diverse and sophisticated non-alcoholic alternatives can be linked to several trends.

The increasing focus on health and wellness has motivated numerous consumers to explore alternatives to alcohol that provide pleasure without the adverse health effects. In addition, the shift in social habits and lifestyle choices among younger generations, with a decreasing emphasis on traditional drinking culture has also led to increased demand for non-alcoholic options in social settings.

Recognizing the need for sophisticated non-alcoholic choices, beverage companies responded by innovating new products. This led to the development of complex, alcohol-free spirits, wines, beers, cocktails, and other alternatives to alcohol.


Mechanism of Alcohol

Man Drinking Beer

Man Drinking Beer

How Does Alcohol Works

Alcohol swiftly traverses the human blood-brain barrier, ranking among the quickest chemicals known to do so. This phenomenon is thought to be linked to our evolutionary history alongside alcohol, potentially stemming from our adaptation to consuming fermenting fruits fallen from trees.

Upon consumption, alcohol is absorbed through the stomach and small intestines, swiftly circulating throughout the body, including vital organs and notably, the brain. Its impact centers on the central nervous system, enhancing inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA activity, reducing brain function, and inducing sedation. Additionally, it impedes excitatory glutamate effects, affecting learning and memory. Alcohol's euphoric nature arises from increased dopamine release, linked to pleasure centers. The liver metabolizes alcohol, with enzymes breaking it down into acetic acid.

Notably, women absorb more alcohol due to lower ADH levels, impacting intoxication levels and potential hangover symptoms.

Dangers of Alcohol

Alcohol consumption poses various risks to health and well-being. Its dangers encompass physical and mental health concerns, including addiction, liver damage, impaired judgment, and increased risk of accidents or injuries. Long-term effects may lead to chronic health conditions like heart disease and certain cancers.

What is an Alcohol Alternative

Friends Playing Cards

Friends Playing Cards

An alcohol alternative refers to non-alcoholic beverages or activities that mimic the social or physiological aspects of drinking without the intoxicating effects of alcohol. These alternatives encompass a wide range, including mocktails, herbal elixirs, and social settings like kava bars.

What is An Alcohol Alternative Drink

Alcohol alternatives are drinks fashioned as a substitute for alcohol to be used in social settings and/or for relaxation purposes. Plant-based beverages, like kava, are gaining recognition for their anxiolytic effects without the adverse impacts associated with alcohol. Studies showcase how these alternatives, rich in unique compounds, may offer relaxation and stress relief without the deliterious effects from alcohol.

Non-Alcoholic Activities

Non-alcoholic activities are activities which offer vibrant alternatives for socializing, relaxation, and entertainment without the need for alcoholic beverages. Examples are outdoor adventures like hiking or picnics, creative endeavors such as painting classes or board game nights. Non-alcoholic activities foster inclusive environments and provide opportunities for memorable experiences in a healthier manner.

Alternative Drinks to Alcohol

Friends Having a Toast

Friends Having a Toast

There are several alcohol alternatives available in the market if you’re looking to minimize or quit alcohol. These alternatives provide a similar social experience without intoxication.

Nootropics Alcohol Alternative

Nootropics, known for cognitive enhancement, offer promising potential as alcohol alternatives. Substances like racetams or adaptogens, including Rhodiola Rosea or Ashwagandha, may provide stress relief and cognitive support without the intoxicating effects of alcohol. These compounds enhance mental clarity, focus, and relaxation, serving as healthier substitutes to alcohol.

Herbal Alcohol Alternatives

Herbal alcohol alternatives encompass natural extracts from plants like kava (more on kava below), valerian, and passionflower. These extracts offer relaxation minus the effects of alcohol.

Herbal teas on the other hand don't replicate the effects or experience of alcoholic drinks, but they provide a comforting and diverse range of flavors, contributing to a healthy lifestyle and offering an alternative to those who prefer not to consume alcohol.

  1. Chamomile tea- chamomile teas have calming properties that may help relax the body and mind. It may also help with sleep.
  2. Lemon Balm Tea- lemon balm tea is often used for its calming properties which can help reduce stress and anxiety, and promote sleep and relaxation.
  3. Peppermint Tea- the flavor of peppermint tea is energizing and revitalizing. It can help you relax, relieve stress and help with digestion.
  4. Lavender Tea- has a calming and floral aroma which helps promote sleep, relaxation and stress relief.
  5. Green Tea- green tea is one of the least processed teas, which is why it contains high levels of antioxidants.

Non-Alcoholic Spirits

The market now offers non-alcoholic alternatives resembling spirits like vodka, rum, gin, tequila, and whiskey. Crafted from botanicals like flowers, leaves, roots, or spices, these substitutes serve as excellent bases for crafting mocktails and other alcohol-free beverages, delivering traditional spirit flavors without alcohol content.

  1. Ghia- a non-alcoholic apéritif that is skillfully crafted using a blend of grape juice concentrate, fig, gentian root extract, elderflower, rosemary extract, fruits and vegetable juice, as well as various botanical extracts and concentrates.
  2. Seedlip- They specialize in offering plant-based liquor alternatives specifically crafted for creating non-alcoholic mixes and mocktails.
  3. Curious Elixirs- they are booze-free cocktails infused with adaptogens and herbs that help promote a sense of relaxation.
  4. Lyre's- offers a variety of non-alcoholic spirits, however, their products are not completely alcohol free and may contain 0.5% ABV or less.
  5. Ritual Zero Proof- Their aim is to replicate the flavors and essence of whiskey, tequila, gin rum and aperitif using all-natural ingredients, ensuring a 0% ABV in their products.

Non-Alcoholic Beers and Wines

Brewed or fermented similar to regular beers or wines, these beverages undergo a specialized process to minimize alcohol. They provide comparable tastes and experiences to their alcoholic counterparts, minus intoxicating effects. In the US, drinks with 0.5% or lower alcohol by volume (ABV) qualify as non-alcoholic beers or wines.

Non- Alcoholic Beers

  1. Athletic Brewing Co. Run Wild IPA- Athletic brewing is a non-alcoholic brewing company that specializes in producing non-alcoholic craft beers. They operate in their own brewing facilities.

  2. Grüvi Stout- is a hang-over version of the Irish brew. They are completely alcohol free.

  3. Suntory ALL-FREE- is a non-alcoholic beer alternative that originated in Japan.  

  4. Heineken 0.0- Heineken 0.0 is considered an non-alcoholic beer but it is not 100% alcohol free. It contains a really small amount of alcohol, which is around a maximum of 0.03% ABV.

  5. Clausthaler Original Non Alcoholic- Clausthaler is one of the pioneering companies that produces non-alcoholic beers. The Clausthaler Original is one of their flagship products known for its crisp and malty flavor.

Non-Alcoholic Wines

  1. Ariel Vineyards Non-Alcoholic Wines- they offer dealcoholized wines, which includes Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon.

  2. Sutter Home Fre- Sutter Home offers non-alcoholic wines called Fre. From red, white to sparkling wines, some of these are the Fre Chardonnay, Fre Moscato, and Fre Red Blend.

  3. St. Regis Reserve Non-Alcoholic Wine- they produce a collection of non-alcoholic sparkling wine including Brut, a Rosé, and a Sparkling White.

  4. Pierre Chavin Zero- offers a wide range of non-alcoholic wines, from red, white to rose varieties.

  5. Freixenet Alcohol-Removed Sparkling Wines- they are produced in Penedès DO of Spain to cater to their health and wellness customers.

  6. Martinelli's Non- Alcoholic Sparkling Cider- it is the standard alternative for Champagne. It's bubly, delicious, and goes well with everything!


Mocktails stand as alcohol-free renditions of cocktails, blending fruits, sodas, herbs, and juices for flavorful concoctions. These drinks closely mirror the look and taste of traditional cocktails, offering a delightful experience sans alcohol.

  1. Virgin Margarita- it is the non-alcoholic version of the cocktail margarita. Typically made with lime juice, sugar syrup, and orange juice. Add some ice and throw it inn a blender and this is an instant hit.
  2. Shirly Temple- a non alcoholic mixed drink that is classically made with ginger ale or lemon-lime soda and grenadine syrup.
  3. Virgin Mojito- simply a mixture of lime, mint, club soda or sparkling water.
  4. Virgin Mimosa- it is also referred as "mockmosa". It is the mocktail version of the cocktail mimosa which typically contains orange juice and sparkling water or ginger ale.
  5. Non-Alcoholic Sangria- non-alcoholic Sangria is normally made with fresh fruits, club soda and grape juice. You may also add herbs/spices or sweetener, it's up to you.


Kombucha is a diverse fermented tea that offers various flavors created by fermenting sweetened tea with a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). Throughout fermentation, the SCOBY transforms sugar into acids, vitamins, and a minimal alcohol content.

Although categorized as non-alcoholic, kombucha contains trace amounts of alcohol from fermentation. Yet, unlike alcoholic drinks, it lacks intoxicating effects and doesn't yield the psychoactive impact associated with alcohol.

Alcohol Alternative Treatment

People Chatting


An alcohol alternative treatment refers to strategies and therapies designed to address alcohol dependence or misuse without relying on conventional alcohol-based interventions. These alternatives may include:

  • Behavioral Therapies

  • Counseling

  • Support Groups

  • Medications

  • Holistic Approaches.

Non-pharmacological approaches like mindfulness, holistic treatments, and adaptogenic herbs are gaining popularity. Exploring these alternatives offers individuals tailored, effective solutions, often with fewer side effects.

Kava as an Alcohol Alternative Treatment

A Bowl of Kava

A Bowl of Kava

Kava is a potential alternative to alcohol, valued for its calming and anxiolytic traits. By engaging with the brain's GABA receptors, kava delivers relaxation without the neurochemical imbalances associated with alcohol. It has shown promise in aiding individuals managing alcohol withdrawal symptoms, although prolonged alcohol use may initially reduce kava's perceived effectiveness due to desensitized nervous system receptors. Despite this, kava can significantly help alleviate cravings and anxiety during withdrawal, gradually regaining its sedative impact as the body readjusts.

We advise a gradual increase in kava intake over weeks during alcohol detox for optimal results

Is Kava Alcohol

Kava is not alcohol; it's a beverage made from the roots of the Pacific plant Piper Methysticum. Although it induces relaxation, it doesn't cause intoxication or a similar high to alcohol. It's important to clarify that while kava provides a tranquil experience, it's distinctly separate from alcoholic beverages.

Does Kava Have Alcohol

Pure kava itself doesn't naturally contain alcohol. It is traditionally prepared as a non-alcoholic beverage. However, in some cases, kava extracts might be formulated with alcohol as a base or for extraction purposes. Examples of these are kava tinctures or kava drops. It is essential to check the ingredients or the preparation method if you're concerned about alcohol content in kava products.

We highly recommend opting for traditional or instant kava powders to ensure an alcohol-free and safe experience.

Does Kava Get You Drunk

Kava doesn't create a drunken state like alcohol does. However, consuming excessive amounts at once might lead to a similar but milder effect. Still, it's not something we recommend doing.

Kava Reverse Tolerance

Kava reverse tolerance refers to the phenomenon where initial kava consumption may not yield noticeable effects, but repeated use enhances sensitivity to its effects over time. With consistent intake, individuals might experience heightened responsiveness to kava's calming and relaxing properties. This occurs as the body adjusts to the compounds present in kava, such as kavalactones.

Kava Withdrawal

Kava's lack of withdrawal and non-addictive nature is attributed to its unique composition. Kava interacts with the central nervous system through the modulation of GABA and induces relaxation without affecting dopamine levels associated with addiction. Therefore, not contributing to an addictive withdrawal as seen in other organic agents like alcohol. Pacific Island cultures have safely consumed kava for centuries without reported addiction issues.

Kava For Alcohol Withdrawal

The potential role of kava in alcohol withdrawal remains a topic of interest. Its calming effects, attributed to compounds like kavalactones, may aid in reducing anxiety and stress, often experienced during alcohol withdrawal. However, scientific evidence supporting its efficacy specifically for alcohol withdrawal is limited.

Pros and Cons of Kava

Friends Drinking Outside

Friends Drinking Outside

Similar to other substances, kava possesses its share of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the positives and negatives of this herbal alcohol alternative.

Pros of Kava:

  • Relaxation and Calmness: Kava is known for its potential to induce relaxation and reduce stress or anxiety without causing a loss of mental clarity.

  • Improved Mood: It might elevate mood and promote a sense of well-being, often leading to a mild euphoric feeling.

  • Potential Muscle Relaxation: It's believed to have muscle relaxant properties and can be used for easing tension in the body.

  • Cultural and Social Use: Kava has a rich cultural history, particularly in Pacific island communities, where it's consumed as part of social gatherings.

Cons of Kava:

  • Potential Side Effects: Some individuals might experience short-term side effects such as nausea, upset stomach, dizziness, or drowsiness.

  • Concerns about Liver Health: There have been rare cases supposedly linking heavy kava consumption to liver issues, although the exact cause is not fully understood.

  • Regulatory Issues: In some regions, kava is subject to legal restrictions due to safety concerns.

  • Kava is not for everyone: people with prior and existing health conditions must consult a healthcare professional first before taking kava. Pregnant and lactating women are also not advised to take kava.

Kava vs Alcohol

Cold Drinks Wearing Headphones

Cold Drinks Wearing Headphones

Kava and alcohol differ significantly in their effects and social implications. Conversely, alcohol is a depressant that alters brain function, causing intoxication and potential impairment. While kava offers a tranquil experience without the intoxicating effects of alcohol, making it a popular choice for those seeking relaxation in a social setting without the drawbacks of inebriation.

Can You Mix Kava and Alcohol

While mixing kava and alcohol might seem tempting, it's generally discouraged. Both substances affect the central nervous system, and combining them could lead to intensified sedation, impairing cognitive function and motor skills. Moreover, alcohol is known to have intense strain on the liver and adding another strain raises concerns. For a safer experience, it's advisable to avoid simultaneous consumption and prioritize responsible use.

Can You Drink Kava and Alcohol Same Day

Consuming kava and alcohol at different times on the same day is still not recommended due to potential interaction. Both kava's and alcohol's effects can persist in the body for over 24 hours. This overlap can lead to heightened drowsiness or impairment, impacting the effects of either substance, even when consumed separately throughout the day.

Is Kava Worse for Liver Than Alcohol

While isolated cases linked excessive kava intake to rare instances of liver issues, the risk is generally considered much lower than that posed by alcohol consumption. Unlike alcohol, kava doesn't cause cirrhosis or liver damage in ways similar to that associated with chronic alcohol abuse.

Best Alcohol Alternative

Woman Thinking

Woman Thinking About Kava

Selecting the ideal alcohol alternative hinges on personal tastes, health objectives, and desired experiences. Tailor your choice to suit preferred flavors—mocktails for cocktail lovers, herbal options like kava for earthy tastes. Consider health benefits; herbal teas offer antioxidants, while kava promotes relaxation. Match alternatives to social settings—mocktails for gatherings, outdoor activities for non-alcoholic options. Factor in the desired effect—heavy/medium relaxation (kava) or mild euphoria (certain herbal elixirs). Experiment with various options to discover your perfect fit.

Alcohol Alternatives That Give You a Buzz

Beyond relaxation, kava may induce mild euphoria and a buzz-like sensation depending on the strain and dosage. Drinks such as energy drinks containing caffeine might also offer a slight buzz due to their stimulating components. Additionally, certain non-alcoholic spirits imitate the taste and feeling of traditional liquor without leading to intoxication.

Alcohol Alternative to Relax

Numerous alcohol alternatives prioritize relaxation; seek those known for their calming effects. Additionally, mindfulness practices, yoga, and meditation serve as non-drink options proficient in inducing relaxation.

Safe Alcohol Alternative

Though several alcohol alternatives are deemed safe, their impact varies with substance and usage. Kava provides relaxation sans cognitive impairment but should be approached with care. Conversely, kombucha, generally safe in moderation, may induce digestive discomfort due to the high amounts of lactobacillus . Also, it is not entirely alcohol-free, and may contain heightened alcohol levels if the fermentation process is not executed properly.

Certain non-alcoholic spirits and beers might also contain trace amounts of alcohol. So, when opting for these alcohol alternatives, exercising caution is advisable to manage expectations and consumption.


Do I Have to Be 21 To Drink Kava?

Age requirements for consuming kava vary based on local regulations. In many regions, kava isn't regulated in the same way as alcohol and may not have a specific legal age restriction for consumption. However, it's advisable to check local laws or individual kava bars' policies regarding age restrictions. Some establishments might have their own age policies for serving kava, despite the absence of legal requirements.

Can You Drive After Drinking Kava?

Kava doesn't impair cognitive function as alcohol does, but caution is still advised when driving after drinking kava. The relaxation induced by kava might affect alertness in some individuals. We recommended to err on the side of caution by gauging personal reactions to kava and refraining from driving if feeling drowsy or impaired.


In conclusion, the quest for alcohol alternatives extends beyond beverages, encompassing activities and treatments that offer social engagement, relaxation, and potential health benefits without the intoxicating effects of alcohol.

Alcohol alternatives span a broad spectrum, ranging from herbal elixirs, to non-alcoholic spirits, providing a diverse array of options catering to different preferences and circumstances. These alternatives not only mirror certain aspects of alcohol's effects, such as relaxation and social interaction, but also present promising therapeutic approaches for managing alcohol dependence.

Ultimately, the pursuit of alcohol alternatives emphasizes a nuanced exploration of various beverages, activities, and treatments that harmonize with individual preferences and promote well-being, fostering a balanced and mindful approach to socializing, relaxation, and overall health.

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