4 Must-Try Kava Recipes

4 Must-Try Kava Recipes

April 30, 2021

If you enjoy the taste of kava - you're lying to yourself. Totally kidding, everyone's preferences are different. I personally didn't mind the taste much but it is known to be unbearably bitter. Either way, why not try to make it a drink that's not just tolerable but delicious!

What if you can enjoy the taste and the feeling?

We, here at drinkroot, have tested and documented kava recipes we think are worth the try!

The PainKkiller

The drink that gives you permission to close your eyes and imagine you're tanning under the hot Fijian sun.

As someone who lives in Southern California, I've had lots of days where my AC gave out on me, calling it quits with trying to keep out the heat. I understood. As the heat would go up to 100 degrees, the air conditioning went nowhere. However, there where other sources of relief I managed to cling onto those days. I learned to rely on my freezer and the ice in it. But oh how I wished for a cold slushie to melt my (heat wave) troubles away.

Our founder Kyle created this as an adaptation of one of his favorite drinks back in the day, the painkiller. "I remember the hot summer weekends in Brooklyn. We would spend most of them taking a stroll around the block and dropping by the Jeffersons  to play pool and knock back some delicious painkillers!"


4 ounces pineapple juice

1/2 teaspoon dehydrated kava juice

1 ounce orange juice

1 ounce coconut milk

1 1⁄2 cups ice

1 ounce grenadine


1. In a blender, combine the pineapple juice, orange juice, coconut milk, instant kava, grenadine and ice. Blend until smooth and thick.

*If you want a cool layered effect, don't add the grenadine yet. Blend, then pour half of the mixture into your favorite glass. Add grenadine to rest of mix, blending until smooth. Pour remaining into the glass

2. Garnish with whatever summery addition you desire! (we threw in fresh strawberries for this one!)

The PB & C

Peanut butter chocolate time, making your day more than just fine.

Oh me oh my oh man. Like clockwork, every holiday, event, every reason to get a Reese's bar is taken advantage of in my life. In December, the only candy in my stocking is Reese's. Call me crazy, call me a fanatic, call me whatever you want as long as you give me the Reese's. Reese's in liquid form with kava? Yes please.


8 ounces peanut butter powder

6 ounces chocolate syrup

1/2 teaspoon instant kava powder

16 ounces almond milk


  1. In a blender, combine all ingredients.
  2. Cover and blend on high until smooth.
  3. Pour the beverage into your favorite glass and enjoy!

Frozen Daiquiri

The beverage here to prove that sour and bitter is a combination you could only have dreamed of.

The simplicity of a drink can prove to be its greatest asset. The 2 ingredient infamous daiquiri is something someone of the 21st century could've only dreamed. Only the kind of convenience I drool over (not really...sort of).


11⁄2 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice

11⁄2 ounces simple syrup

1/2 teaspoon instant kava

1 cup crushed ice


  1. In a cocktail shaker combine ingredients.
  2. Cover and shake thoroughly
  3. Pour atop ice into your favorite glass, garnish with lime wedge and enjoy!


Nutella Shake

The late night snack to your new and improved bedtime routine. Put on that face mask, slap those cucumbers on your eyes and sip on this hazelnut chocolatey deliciousness.

I'm ridiculously obsessed with chocolate so having the chance to combine it with kava was an obvious yes for me. When I tell you I wanted to test this recipe not 1, not 2, but 5 times, I'm not joking. I would never joke about such a thing. If there was a way I could combine the deliciousness of a dessert with the euphoria of kava - this would be it:


1/2 teaspoon instant kava powder

6 ounces of almond milk

4 ounces of Nutella

1/4 cup ice

1 tablespoon of peanut butter (optional)

1 cup ice


  1. Combine kava mixture, almond milk, Nutella, (optional) peanut butter, instant kava and ice in a blender and blend on high for 30 seconds.
  2. Pour into a glass, sit back, relax.

With a full tummy, I'm happy to report that I trust all 4 of these recipes to deliver complete satisfaction with your kava.

If you end up trying one out for yourself, leave a comment on your thoughts! We'd love to see what your favorite kava recipe looks like.

From our family to yours, Mahalo! 🤙

Opinions are my own

Written by Isabelle Franco

Spread the Love of Kava! <3

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